Things are different than they were a year ago. This is a huge understatement! The arrival of COVID 19 and the effect on our lives worldwide has been immense. My business coaching practice in the Woodlands and in Houston has given me an observation point to see many businesses and how they have responded to the new world that COVID 19 has wrought.

The great news is that creativity, when it comes to survival is alive and well. The bad news is that in many instances it is not enough to survive. Each business, so to speak, is its own individual boat. When COVID 19 first arrived, some boats were already in a safe harbor. A safe harbor is a place where their business is not going to be severely affected. They are going to be profitable and survive. They will change because of safety concerns as to how they do business but overall, they are in good shape.
The next business boat is the one who was out at sea and experienced some stormy turbulence, but they were able to make it to the safe harbor and survive. They were able to develop new sailing skills and disciplines to get through. There were some rough spots, but they are going to be okay.
Then there were business boats that were farther out to sea. As a result, in attempting to navigate getting to a safe harbor they experienced more of the storm and larger waves. Some of these boats were able to make it. Unfortunately, some took on too much water and capsized. They will no longer be with us.
I’d like to focus on the ones that capsized and did not make it. Some were already weak, and the smallest negative change was going to cause them to spring a leak and take on too much water.
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