Are you looking the top education app ideas for start-ups in 2022? Did you struggle to come up with marketable e-learning app ideas?
If your answer is yes to these questions, don’t worry; we’ve gathered a list of the finest educational start-up app ideas for 2022 in this post.
Top education app ideas for your start-ups
· Private tutoring application
Students nowadays are interested in learning through the internet.
They can do so with the help of the private tutoring app, which connects students to online classes and tutors.
In the coming years, the demand for private tutoring apps is likely to be at the forefront of educational learning apps.
According to studies, the global private tutoring industry is estimated to reach $2018 billion by 2026, supporting this notion.
For example
Coursera is an EdTech start-up with a product in this space. Coursera is an online learning platform that uses a best-match algorithm to connect educators and students.
It is an EdTech firm based in the United States that was founded by Daphne Koller and Andrew Ng.
· Apps for kids with learning disabilities
According to the CDC, 1 out of every 54 children in the United States is born with an autism spectrum disorder. The demand for special educators is predicted to expand by 8% in 2026, according to the United States BLS. It suggests that additional possibilities in this industry are likely to arise in the near future. Apps are already looking to fill this demand void.
It’s a platform that works well since it only connects users to qualified help in real
· Educational games and quizzes apps
The demand for digital games and quizzes for learning is huge, according to Gamesandlearning.org statistics.
According to the survey, over 55% of students play educational games on a weekly basis. According to statistics, more than 90% of children enjoy playing video games.
As a result, it’s not exaggerating to state that quizzes and games can be among the most engaging ways to study. Learners will find learning more engaging if it is made into a game.
· Dictionary applications
Despite the fact that most individuals now have smartphones, they are more interested in using applications. As a result, launching a dictionary app is a preferable way to keep things simple. After all, searching for terms and meanings takes less time with an app.
· Language learning apps
70% of students in the United Kingdom wish to study a new language. In Europe, 92 percent of pupils are enrolled in language studies. In 2025, the online language learning market will expand by 25 billion dollars. Currently, 1.2 billion individuals are learning a foreign language.
For example
Some of the best examples of leading learning language applications are Duolingo, Hello Talk, Lingua Leo, etc.
· Pre-school app
As the name implies, these are the types of apps developed to assist children who are about to start preschool.
If you’re an educational start-up looking to launch a pre-school app, you can either target parents or teachers as part of your marketing strategy.
For example
Some of the best examples of pre-school e-learning platforms to draw your app-building inspiration comprises My PlayHome, Toca Nature, Khan Academy Kids, etc.
So, if you’re thinking about creating an educational app for your start-up. Check out our mobile app development services at stellardigital.in. We have a capable team of professionals who provide high-quality mobile app development solutions for your business.