Feature & Benefits
Advantages of the Turbomed XTERN device
Exoskeleton Design Fits onto the Outside of the Shoe
The device is designed to be on the outside of the shoe. This makes it unnecessary to reserve a shoe size.
No Skin Contact with Foot or Ankle
The device does not come into contact with the feet or ankles.
Energy Return due to patented design
The force transmission mechanism is patented.
Easily Conforms to Uneven Ground and Slopes
flexible Can be used on sloping areas.
Highly Durable Thermoplastic (2 year warranty)
Made from high quality thermoplastic material (2 year warranty)
Heat Adjustable (to change width and dorsiflexion strength)
Can be adjusted in size by heat.
Easily Transferable from Shoe to Shoe
Easy to remove and use with other shoes.
Symmetrical Design, Fits both Right & Left Foot
Symmetrical design fits both right and left feet.
Easily Positioned to Invert or Evert the Foot if Required
Designed to make it easy to turn the ankle in and out.
Suitable for many types of shoes. and easily installed